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wideband design

CWU meets with Telstra on Wideband Design redeployment

The CWU met with Telstra on 20 October to discuss redeployment options for Wideband Design employees facing redundancy.

The meeting followed representations made by the CWU before the Fair Work Commission (FWC) the previous week. Although that hearing did not result in any change in the number of roles being made redundant, it did highlight the need to try to ensure that there were alternative jobs for those wanting them. 

E-bulletin readers will recall that the site function closures involved in these redundancies were in Netley (SA), Ballarat (Vic) and Hobart (SA). At the meeting on 20 October, Telstra reported that it had received applications for 10 Wideband roles across regional Victoria, Melbourne and Hobart available to redeployees and were in the process of advertising a further 7 roles. 

Expressions of Interest in a further 14 roles in Networks and NBN were also being sought, with the jobs being located in Adelaide, Ballarat and Hobart.  A number of these roles were secondments, with the potential for, but not the guarantee of, becoming permanent. 

The CWU is continuing to monitor the redeployment process closely. Any members wanting to stay with Telstra and not getting support from management in seeking redeployment should contact their state branch.

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